Sunday, April 21, 2013


Things happen in life,
And they become memories,
Whether good or bad,
Whether sweet or sour,
Can’t be ignored,
Sometimes, it makes us cheer,

Sometimes makes us dismal,
It reminds us of love,
It reminds us of hate,

It tells the truth of relations,
With or without satisfactions,
Memories are the daily soaps,
Reminds us of some fairy hopes,

Whatever happens in  present,
Does not look interesting,
And when time goes by,
It becomes nostalgic,
What we called as memories,
The old memories….

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Without You

Without you,
There is some emptiness in the air,

The world is nothing,
When you are not here,

It looks forlorn,
When you don’t smile,

Without you,
My heart is a mechanical device,

I feel alone in the markets,
I see great darkness,

Without you,
There are no colors in the festivals,

All seasons are without life,
All flowers lose their colors,

Without you,
All gardens end their seasons,

Without you,
All weather is dry,

Without you,
Moon looks dim,

Be my motivation,
Be blissful,

Be in my life,
Be  my soul forever, forever.

Friday, April 12, 2013

सूखे पत्ते

पतझड़ के मौसम में ,
पेड़ों से  विदाई के बाद,

सूखे पत्ते पड़े थे ,
सड़कों पर ,रस्तों पर,

पगडंडियों पर,गलियों में चौराहों पर,
उड़ते थे,हवा के बहने पर ,

कभी इस गली,कभी उस गली,
ना कोई उम्मीद,ना कोई बंधन,

अपनी ही मस्ती में मगन  रहते थे,
ख़बर सबकी रखते थे,

कभी चौपाल में,कभी खलिहान में,
सुनते थे सभी की,कभी इधर की ,कभी उधर की,

कभी प्रधान की,कभी किसान की ,
कभी जवान की,कभी आसमान की,

कभी माँ की, कभी एक बाप की,
कभी शिक्षक की, कभी विद्यार्थी की,

सभी की सुनते थे वे,
कभी हँसते,कभी सोचते,

सभी की है मुश्किलें,
पर चलना है,चलते ही जाना है,

सूखे पत्तों का भी सफर,
तब तक है चलता,

जब तक वे जला नहीं दिये जाते,
और ये क्रम चलता ही रहता है,

बसंत आने तक,
और अगले साल ,

फिर वही कहानी,
फिर वही पतझड़, फिर वही सूखे पत्ते........

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Eyes don’t speak,
Neither do they boast,

Eyes are not  fake,
They don’t took or take,

They only show the truth,
Showing only emotions,

With lots of relations,
Without speaking, they speak a lot,

Without a single word,
Lovers get message delivered,

Students get scolded by teachers,
Only with the blink of eyes,

Servants get orders from their masters,
Children know the intention from their parents,

Proposals get rejected,
Lovers get affected,

Candidates get selected,
With the movements of eyes,

Eyes do have nature,
Some show happiness,

Some show sadness,
Some show naughtiness,

Some show cruelty,
Though they have all colors of life,

They are the boon to the humans,
Without eyes,

An infinite darkness prevails in the life,
Without any aim, without any sight,

Hoping to be the sight right,
Thanks to our Almighty

For giving this special gift,
Our eyes………